
Insights into nonprofit leadership & governance

Two mistakes in CEO transitions – and three best practices

December 15, 2018  

You’ve just wrapped an intensive search process. A dynamic new CEO, with the right assets for the challenges and aspirations of your organization, will start in a few weeks. Congratulations!

Now what?

Everyone exhales and thanks the committee for its fine work. There is a collective sigh of relief. That’s solved.

Two common mistakes

One or both of the following responses can hamper the CEO’s successful transition and tenure:

Three best practices

Even as the search committee is receiving its rightful accolades, your Board should be doing three things to facilitate the new CEO’s successful transition:

In BoardWalk’s experience, a strategic, thoughtful transition process makes a significant difference in the critical first months of a new CEO’s tenure –setting him or her up for success over the long haul.

What experiences have you had with transitions—positive or other? Share your ideas and experiences, and we will include them into a future article.

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